Register press

This article describes how to use the press registration function. This option is particularly useful when you enable online registration for press, since they can register themselves a you find them under “Registered Press Entries“. Alternatively it is also possible to register press as part of the officials.

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How to register press

To register press rightclick on “Entries” in the Main Tree Menu and go to “Register Press”.



Fill out the registration form for the press registration. All fields marked with a star are required. In case you miss any of these information, put in a zero instead.



Once the form is completed, click on “Save”.



The pop-up window confirms if the entry was successfully saved.




Registered Press entries

To access the entry list of all registered press, go to “Overview / Statistics” → “Registered Press” or rightclick on “Entries” in the Main Tree Menu and select “Registered Press”.



This list contains all registered press for this event, including the ones that used the online registration option of the event-website.



Updated on April 8, 2024
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