Operating the Kickboxing Scoreboard – Point Fighting

Learn how to operate the Kickboxing Scoreboard for Point Fighting.

Interactive Demo


How to operate Point Fighting

In the match caller you find all matches that are scheduled for your tatami. Click on “Next” to open the next match.

This is the view of the scoreboard. First always click on “reset all” before the fight starts.

Confirm that you really want to reset all components.

This is the view on the screens.


To start the time click on the “start”-button.

To stop the time click again on the same button. In case you have to adjust the time, use the “plus” and “minus” buttons next to the seconds.


To give points for red or blue, click on the according number (1, 2 or 3) in the correct color. In case you did a mistake use the “minus” buttons left and right to remove points.


To give an exit use the “plus”-button in the correct color. In case you have to correct the number of exits use the “minus”-buttons.

It automatically removes one point of the competitor. The total number of Exits for both competitors is indicated below “EX” on the scoreboard.

To give a warning click on the “plus”-button in the according color. In case you did a mistake use the “minus”-button to adjust the number correctly.

When you give the second warning, one point is automatically removed. The total number of warnings is indicated below “WA”.

To give knock downs use the “plus”-buttons in the correct color. The total amount of Knock Downs is indicated below KD. Adjust the number with the “minus”-button if necessary.

Medical Time

Click on the “play”-button in the correct color, to start the medical time for red or blue. Start the medical time, once the doctor is on the tatami.

This is the view how the medical time is displayed on the screens.

Once the doctor left the tatami, stop the medical time with the stop button and close the window afterwards. The remaining time is automatically saved.

Next Rounds

Once the round time of 2min is up, the break time of 1min starts automatically. When the break time is up, the pop-up windows closes automatically

This is the view of how the break time is shown on the screens.

When the break is over, the scorebaord automatically switches to the next round, which is indicated at the bottom.

Match Winner

Continue like before, until the 3rd round is finished or one athlete won due to another reason (e.g. opponent got the 4th warning). Once the winner is determined, his score starts blinking and a pop up window shows up to confirm the winner.

Select the wintype in the drop down menu and confirm with “yes”. You can also select the winner manually with the “Winner RED” and “Winner BLUE”-button.

The match winner is displayed on the screens.

Close the scorebarod without resetting anything, to return to the next matches.

The finished match is removed automatically. Click on “Next” to open the next match.


Extra Time

In case there is no winner determined after the 3rd round, click on “extra time” to add the extra minute. Operate the scoreboard like before.

If there is a winner determined after the extra time, select the wintype in the drop down menu on the right and press “Winner RED” or “Winner BLUE” button. Otherwise you go to sudden death. Close the window once the winner is selected.

Updated on October 11, 2023
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