Operating the Ju-Jitsu Scoreboard – Show

Learn how to operate the Ju-Jitsu Scoreboard for Show.

Interactive Demo


How to operate Ju-Jitsu Show

In the match caller all scheduled matches for your tatami are shown. Click on “Next” to open the first match.



A pop-up window with the competitor’s information shows up. It is recommended to move this to the left side, so additional pop-up windows are visible.



This is the view shown on the screens.





Once the performance starts, click on “Simple increasing timer” to start a timer.



Once the performance is finished, click on “Stop” to stop the timer.



This is the view of the timer displayed on the screens. Leave this window open for 5 seconds, so the judges can the the total time



Close the timer afterwards.





The judges first show the Technical Score, which needs to be entered manually. Therefor double click on the first cell in the row of the competitor and enter the score of the first judge (dots can be ignored, enter 75 instead of 7.5).



Use twice “tab” on your keyboard, to move to the technical cell of judge 2 (2 T) and then to judge 3.



As the second score the judges will give the “Show” score. Proceed like before by double clicking on the first judge (1S), enter the score and use twice “tab” to go to the next cell (2S).



After you entered the technical and show scores for all three judges, click on “Save results/update”.



Confirm the pop-up message either by pressing “enter” on your keyboard or by clicking on “Yes”.



The total score is shown on the screens as well as the current ranking position in brackets.



You also find the total score and rank in the row of the competitor. Close the window once the scores are saved.



The finished match is automatically removed from the match caller. Click on “Next” to open the next match.





After the scores of the last athlete of the pool are saved, don’t close the window (also not the small competitors window). For the announcement of the medalist click on “Show Ranking”. In case of a tie, an additional tie match will be generated.



The ranking as well as the total scores are shown on the screens.



First close the ranking and then the pool once the announcement is done.



Updated on October 12, 2023
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