Match Caller – Tatami mode

This article explains how to operate Match Caller in tatami mode.

Interactive demo

In tatami mode: Click in “Panels” and in “Match Order / Lists / Caller”.

Select area number using the dropdown.

Save area number.

Open the match caller.

Open the next match clicking “Next”.

Once match finished and winner saved, close it.

Finished matches are hidden automatically.

Information: Area, scheduled time, Day, Round info. (Phase, pool, etc.)

Click in “Next” to open the next match.

By default matches are sorted by match number. Check “sort by time/tatami” to sort them by scheduled time.

To open any match, double-click on it.

To see the draw record where a match is, click in “Draw record”.

Match number is displayed in the draw.

To see a hidden match click in “Show all”.

Click in “Show not hidden matches” to go back to default. (Only show not completed matches).

Click in “Match-Forms” to generate the protocol of the selected match/es.


Updated on July 13, 2024
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