Edit Categories – Main Data

The main data of a event category like the name, age range and gender can be easily changed. This article shows you 3 different ways of how to edit the main data of a category.

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How to edit the main data of a category

To edit the main data of categories, go to the panel “Competitor Categories”. Double click on its title bar to expand it to full screen size.




1. Option: Right click

The first option how to access the main data of a category is by right clicking on the category in the list and go to “Edit”.



The list “Categories of this event” shows up which is automatically filtered by the preelected category.



Select the category and proceed with the “Edit”-button.



The Category Manager which contains the main data pops up and can be edited (e.g. change of gender).



After the data is adjusted, click on “update” to save the changes.



Close the window and after refreshing the competitor categories list the changes are shown.




2. Option: Edit Categories (Main Data)

Click on the first icon in the menu bar to access more category options.



Go to “Edit categroies (Main data)”.



A list with all categroies configured (not necessarily used) for this event shows up. Doubleclick on the categroy that you would like to edit.



The “Category Manager” of the selected categroy shows up. After editing the relevant data, click on “update” to save the changes.



Close the window and refresh the list of competitor categories to display the changes.




3. Option: Categories of this event

Click on the first icon in the toolbar to access the additional category options and go to “Categories of this event”.



All used categories of this event are shown in the list. You can use the filter to search for category names and the “Show all” button to also show not used but configured categories of this event.



Select the category you would like to change and click on “Edit”.



The “Category Manger” pops up, where you can do needed changes and save them by clicking on “update”.



Updated on November 8, 2023
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