Edit athlete data

This articel explains, how to access the data of an athlete and how to edit it.

Interactive Demo

Entry list

To access the list of entries rightclick on “Entries” in the Main Tree Menu and click on “Individual / Team Entries”.



You can also open the entry list through the “Main data / Entries” panel, by clicking on “All entries”.



The entry list can be maximized for a better overview. It shows all register athletes including their main information. To display additional information click on the icon in the right corner.



In the drop down menu the shown information are marked with a tag. To include another information in the entry list, just click on it.




Edit an athlete’s data

To edit an athlete’s data, double click on the name to open the competitor’s manager window.



Adjust the athlete’s profil with the new data or a new picuture.



Once all changes are completed, click on “update” to save the changes.



Updated on April 8, 2024
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