Delete entries

This article describes how to delete entries from the entry list and how to delete entries while keeping their records.

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How to delete entries

To delete entries completely, mark all entries in the entry list that you would like to delete and click on the “Delete”-button.



Confirm that you really want to delete all selected entries and pay attention to the fact, that deleting a team entry causes the cancellation of the whole team. Attention: This step cannot be undone!



The entry list is updated immediately and all records of the deleted entries are removed.




Alternative Way

To keep the record of an entry it is recommended to use the “Status”-function instead of a complete removal of the entry.



Therefor click on the status field of the athlete you would like to delete and select the status “Deleted”. For actions like generating draws, the athletes with a certain status can be excluded.



This can also be done for multiple entries at the same time by marking them in the entry list and using the “change status”-button.



Updated on April 8, 2024
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