Operating the Kickboxing Scoreboard – Low Kick

Learn how to operate the Kickboxing Scoreboard for Low Kick.

Interactive Demo

How to operate Low Kick

In the match caller you find all matches that are scheduled for your Ring. Click on the “Next”-button to open the next match.



This is the view of the scoreboard.



This is the view displayed on the screens.





To start the time, click on the “start”-button. Click again on the same button to stop the time.



The points are given by the judges with the electronic scoring devices. On the screens and scoreboard you find the point difference per judge indicated by the bars, the number of judges in favor and the exact points at the bottom.





Give warning with the “plus”- button in the according color. In case you hav to correct the amount of warnings, use the “minus”-buttons left and right.



The second warning automatically gives a minus score and changes the scores accodingly (-3 Points from each judge). In case the referee gives a direct minus point, use the “plus”-button next to “Minus Point”.



Give a Knock Down with the “plus”-buttons in the accrodings color. Adjust them with the “minus”-buttons if necessary. The scores are automatically changed accordingly (-1 point from each judge).




Next Rounds

After the round time of 2min is up, the break time of 1min starts automatically and is displayed in a pop up window.



This is the view during the break time shown on the screens.



When the break is over, this window closes automatically and you can start with the next round. The current round is indicated next to the judge’s scores at the bottom.




Medical Time

To start the medical time click on the “play”-button for red or blue. Start the medical time once the doctor is on the tatami.



This is how the medical time is displayed on the screens.



When the doctor leaves the tatami, click on “stop” to stop the time. The remaining tie is automatically saved.




Match Winner

Once the winner is determined after the 3rd round or due to other reasons (e.g. opponent received 4th warning) the score of the winner starts blinking and a pop up window to confirm the winner shows up.



Select the wintype in the drop down menu and confirm with “yes”



This is the view displayed on the screens when the winner is confirmed.



After the winner is selected close the scoreboard without resetting.



The finsihed match is automatically removed and you can proceed with the next match by clicking on “Next”.




Tie after the 3rd round

In case a judge has a tie after the 3rd round, the points given in the last round are considered. In case this is equal as well, he automatically shows up to do a judge decision (decide if red or blue was better). After the judge decided with his electronic scoring device, the pop up disappears, the score of the winner starts blinking and the winner can be selected.



This is the view shown on the screens. Once all displayed judges did their decision, it disappears automatically.



Updated on October 11, 2023
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